Foundit – The Lost Property Solution
Our well proven Lost Property solution for establishments where volume of public attends
Our well proven Lost Property solution for establishments where volume of public attends – Council Properties, Rail, Buses, Hotels, Trams, Libraries, Cinemas, Universities, Theme Parks etc...
110,000 items logged by staff
>£40 000 item value reunited
>10 000 Happy customers
< 1 year Payback time
Whilst at the place where the item was found, if a customer notifies staff they have lost an item and it has not been transferred, they simply select the “Return to Customer”, receive the customer signature and this is logged as both lost and found.
Our well proven Lost Property solution for establishments where volume of public attends – Council Properties, Rail, Buses, Hotels, Trams, Libraries, Cinemas, Universities, Theme Parks etc...
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